Friday, October 18, 2019

How to be a good parent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How to be a good parent - Essay Example The research paper consists of the children that are in between 2 to 16 years. In this age, considerable changes occur in children because this is the age in which developments is in ongoing position. Then parents have to be conscious while behaving wrongly in front of the children because they are in learning position (Fontenelle, 2011). Each and every behavior effects on their mental and physical development. Parents have to be conscious while talking with the neighbors, friends and any other person in front of the children because children learn most of the behaviors from the parents. Parents should maintain stable behavior with the children. Too much leniency and strictness spoil the child’s mental health, and he or she cannot be a strong person in the future life. Parents should be concerned in the activities of their children so that they know the behavioral changes and the reasons of these changes. In this way, parents can easily solve the problems of children (Steinber g, 2004). Parents should know the children’s liking and disliking such as what sport they like, what television show they want to watch, who are their friends and why do they like them. Through the strong connection, they can know mostly about the children. Parent should tell the children what is right and what is wrong, what is good and bad for them. Parents should tell them the limits so that in the future they will become responsible and self reliant (Hawkins, 1972). Mostly young and inexperienced parents do not know the behavioral changes of the children because they are inexperienced. According to the writers, young parents need assistance for knowing these changes so that their children will become confident and self reliant in their lives. Parents should observe the children’s behavior and attitude keenly so that they can know their children's behavioral changes. In this way, they can easily know the problems that children are facing in the life. Parents should have a friendly attitude with children so that they feel protective and comfortable in their parents company. In this way, whenever child faces some problem, he or she firstly will tell their problem to their parents. In this way, they will secure from crucial issues. The parents who created a comfortable environment between children and themselves, these children will become more confident and self reliant (Kerr, M., & Stattin, 2000). The children who have confidence take more accurate decisions in the future for themselves. Parents have to be conscious while selecting their name. In that way, the child will become more confident and self reliant. Name is the first and most valuable gift that parents give to their children. Name is the identity of the children. This identity he has to use in his or her whole life. That is why parents should be more conscious in the selection of name. Writer tells name should be in the way that the person can carry in the whole life. Names should no t be look like the name of child and any elderly person. The name of the child gives him or her confidence to become more socialized and confident in the future. Second and most important thing he told is that love is the most important thing for the children’s confidence and maturity. The more you provide love to your children, the more they will become more confident in making important decisions in life. Good name gives

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